Hello everyone!
Okay so many decisions are still being made about my life and I am in a confused state of mind but I just wanted to share that I recently subscribed to a website called IPSY. I suggest you guys try it! Basically you sign up to receive gifts of certain kinds and it is called a Glam Bag, for $10 a month. I am super excited to receive my first bag but I am currently waitlisted. SO if ANY of you are willing to try this out please contact me and I will get you all set up and ready to go!
Also I am still struggling with my money situation, I know that I did not post that too long ago, but I am still trying to figure out what exactly is going to happen in my life and I really want this to work out within the next 2 weeks and see what is going to happen.
I really wish you guys would share my blog with your friends, I am trying to grow and your guys' help is extremely appreciated! I love watching my blog advance and it makes me so happy! If I create my YOUTUBE video I hope you guys will follow me over there!
-much love