Saturday, July 25, 2015


Hey everyone! 
Quick update, my life is going good! Things are starting to look up and it is such a relief. Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while you know my struggles and the intense decisions I have been having to make. 
Well all of that is starting to look up now. 
Money is still kind of a problem but I am working on it! 
I just keep moving forward and working through the issues. 
More to come!

Thanks for reading

-xoxo Rach

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Brightness is Happiness

Hello Friends! 
You may notice things are getting a lot brighter over here! (the page;)) 
I have noticed that brighter things make for a more positive outlook. My own personal opinion. I noticed that I am surrounded by a lot of dark colors and it honestly makes me feel kinda muggy and I hate it so I have started to brighten things up! 

So moral of this story is brightness is happiness. Keep a positive light in your mind. It really brightens things up!

In other news, a lot has been happening in my life! I have received good news and bad news so obviously everything evens out. 

Not much for this post just kind of wanted to update!

-xoxo Rach