Today was it! I graduated from high school, there is certainly many things I'm going to miss. I am going to miss sports mostly, I know everyone keeps telling me that there are intermurals at college but it is not the same to me. It is not competitive like high school and I won't have the thrill of making it to state anymore. There is just a lot I am going to miss.
I think I have decided where to go for college or more of where I am leaning towards. I am feeling better about the choices I am making. Things are finally good.
I will most definitely post pics of some of the stuff I got for graduation I absolutely so excited for everything happening in my life right now. I am content, and I am happy.
I have let go of grudges and enemies and now I feel so free and happy.
I am really going to miss a lot of my friends. I now they always say that we will keep in touch but I have left a school before and said those exact words and it never happened. I feel like transferring schools once in high school prepared me for leaving all my new friends for college, but if I go where I am planning I will be around 2 or maybe 3 of my favorite people in the entire world and I am so excited but that means leaving one very important person behind, my boyfriend. I think he is okay with it and we will be just fine, Distance doesn't matter to me and I hope that makes things easier.
Thanks for reading!
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