Friday, March 20, 2015

Lost in this thing called life.

So I recently lost my mind. I thought I knew where I was going to college and what direction I was heading. I'm lost now. I really just wish I could take a year off but that is just not an option with my mother. 

I think I am going to stick around town for another year or 2, and then continue on. I wish money was never an issue. I want to travel and see the world. Isn't that what life is about? I want to find myself. I thought I had found the love of my life too and now I have a voice in my head and someone yelling in my mind "Why so serious at such a young age" I cannot argue with this voice, as it is coming from my mother. I do not understand why it matters. I am not the same as everyone else and I do not get the freedom I believe I deserve. I hate that I have someone judging my life every step of the way. 

Life is sure one hell of a ride. I just want to live it to the fullest but I have that constant worry that someone will be disappointed with my decisions. I worry too much, I know. I never know what to do. 
SO WHAT THE HELL! Go hard or go home. 
Thanks for listening.

-xoxo Rach

Monday, March 16, 2015


This is a random happy post! I am so thankful that more and more people are reading my blog and I have gotten so much positive feedback and it makes my heart happy! The Liebster Award has made my blog so much more popular and I keep receiving comments and messages about it! 

I am so gracious for all of you!!!

Positive feedback makes me think so much more and better of myself. It completely boosts my self-esteem more than you will ever know. THANK YOU guys so much for reading and posting! 

Much Love! 

-xoxo Rach

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Liebster Award!

Good news everyone!!
I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award Nomination by Kristelle Morgan, other wise known by her blog Forever Dreaming. The award is for small blogs (200 followers or less) I am honored to be nominated especially because no one I know besides one person even knows about this blog and I am overjoyed to know that more than one person reads my blog. Thank you Kristelle for inspiring me to continue blogging and telling me you enjoy reading! 

The rules for Liebster Award :
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate another 11 bloggers (with 200 or less followers) and link them
4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
5. Notify all nominees by social media/blogs

Questions asked by Kristelle Morgan:

1. What is your dream career/job?
My dream job is to be successful. I haven't yet figured out what my plan is but I'm learning towards a counselor. I love to help people out and give them advice. I also want to love the job I have and not spend every minute I'm working thinking about what I could do better. 
2. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
On weekends I check my phone and lay in bed for about an hour. On weekdays I usually go to the bathroom..:)
3. What is your ultimate holiday destination?
I want to be with family, I don't care where I am as long as I am with them. 
4. What is your all-time favourite book/genre?
I can't just pick one book because I love all types but my favorite genre would be young adult and romance, maybe some with a little mystery. 
5. Describe yourself in 10 words or less
A unique, funny individual, friendly and trustworthy, and awesome. 
6. What bands/artists do you love and what are your favourite songs by them?
Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Shania Twain, Fall Out Boy, Luke Bryan it varies as you can see. I love Thinking Out Loud, Lay Me Down, Any Man Of Mine, Uma Thurman, I See You.
7. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
To change the world for the better. I want to known for the good things, not the bad. 
8. What made you want to start blogging?
I started to blog because it was my get away. I want people to learn from my mistakes and I like to give advice and raise people's hopes and inspire them to do the things they do not think they can do. I love to blog and I love when people leave comments saying that I inspire them and that I am inspirational. 
9. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what 3 things would you take and why?
I would take a book, endless supply of water, and survival skills. 
10. Describe your favourite food without actually using the name of it
Delicious, can be eaten and cooked many different ways, tan, or yellow, can  be grown, it is a vegetable ( I think) 
11. If you could spend the day with one person (dead or alive, famous or not) who would it be, why and what would you do together?
I would want to spend it with Demi Lovato, I know she was a Disney Star but she is very inspirational in all that she has been through. 

My Nominations

It is hard for me to tell how many followers each one has so I'm sorry if I messed up!

My Questions

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Who inspires you the most and why?
3. What is your favorite movie/genre?
4. Where do you want to visit most and why?
5. What is your favorite book/genre?
6. What questions do you hate to answer?
7.What is the weirdest thing you have ever done?
8. If you could create one thing what would it be?
9. Describe yourself in 3 words
10. What is your favorite food?
11. What is the thing you hate to spend money on?

Thanks for reading!
-xoxo Rach

Kiss My Fat A**

I do not understand people sometimes. If you are not skinny you are obese, if you have curves you are fat, if one little thing is wrong with you, you are not attractive. 

Marilyn Monroe was a gorgeous woman back in the day. Her size was considered perfect in the 50's and 60's. Society today has completely changed the views on woman. What ever happened to just being fit and healthy, not skinny and unhealthy. Sure everyone is perfect in their own way but some ways are just plan unhealthy. There are girls starving themselves who have anorexia or bulimia because society things they are too fat. 

Society has made us look at ourselves differently. If you are not a size 0-2 you are not skinny or pretty enough, THIS IS MESSED UP!!!

You do not need to be a size 2 to gain the attention of someone. If a man doesn't like you because you are not the right size there is something wrong with them. You think you will end up single for life because you are not good enough or skinny enough. You are, there is someone out there that is dating a size 2 but is boring as a Barbie. He is just with her for the looks. All sizes are beautiful. It just matters on how you see yourself. If you are a size 2 and you are healthy, good for you. Just do it for yourself not for a guy. 

I've been in a relationship with the same guy for over 2 years. I finally decided that I wanted to become healthy and fit for myself, not him. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be healthy. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bucket Wishing

As a teenager/young adult I make lots of mistakes. I have to make decisions and sometimes I choose the wrong conclusion. I personally know that it is part of life and we all make mistakes that can impact our lives tremendously. 

I'm done caring about those mistakes.

I want to create a bucket list for summer. I have wanted to visit many places and do many things and I plan to accomplish this in my summer before college. This summer is supposed to be fun and I am not letting it be anything else, I want absolutely no drama, just happiness. That is easier said than done. 

My bucket list will be the things that I have dreamed of doing without going too far out of my price range, I do have to pay for college so I need to make some money rather than spend it. Hopefully I will have a job I will love this summer so I do not hate going to work every day. I have a few job interviews so we will see what good comes from it. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I'm On Top Of The World. Kinda.

I wanted to create something that people would admire and look forward to reading every day. I always look forward to writing a new blog. I want to be an inspiration to those who need it. I voice my opinion and people do not like it sometimes. But isn't that what the world should be? We voice our opinions and say what we feel but yet we get judged for what we feel and say. 

Why is the world this way? All over the internet you see these pictures that say be yourself and say what you feel but why? We are who we are but it is not good enough to so many people. I can't tell you how things should be because of course I have my opinion but does it matter? Not everyone sees what I see and what I think is right might not be right to anyone else. 

Here goes another opinion, I hate that it is illegal to have guy friends. I have a friend that happens to be a guy and we talk a lot and we enjoy it because we do not judge each other. But his "friend/girlfriend/fwb" does not approve and will constantly call me mean names and tell everyone I am hitting on her boyfriend. We may have some what of a history, but our history does not interfere with our friendship. I hate that things have to be this way. 
I hate that girls freak out about how these other girls are taking their leftovers, but if none of us dated each others left overs the whole world would pretty much be single. We may have issues with those people but that is no reason to not allow happiness to those couples. 

This is one messed up world we live in, but why does my opinion matter?