I do not understand people sometimes. If you are not skinny you are obese, if you have curves you are fat, if one little thing is wrong with you, you are not attractive.
Marilyn Monroe was a gorgeous woman back in the day. Her size was considered perfect in the 50's and 60's. Society today has completely changed the views on woman. What ever happened to just being fit and healthy, not skinny and unhealthy. Sure everyone is perfect in their own way but some ways are just plan unhealthy. There are girls starving themselves who have anorexia or bulimia because society things they are too fat.
Society has made us look at ourselves differently. If you are not a size 0-2 you are not skinny or pretty enough, THIS IS MESSED UP!!!
You do not need to be a size 2 to gain the attention of someone. If a man doesn't like you because you are not the right size there is something wrong with them. You think you will end up single for life because you are not good enough or skinny enough. You are, there is someone out there that is dating a size 2 but is boring as a Barbie. He is just with her for the looks. All sizes are beautiful. It just matters on how you see yourself. If you are a size 2 and you are healthy, good for you. Just do it for yourself not for a guy.
I've been in a relationship with the same guy for over 2 years. I finally decided that I wanted to become healthy and fit for myself, not him. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be healthy.
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