To start this off I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2016 is going to be a great year, why? Because I have simply made a list of my yearly goals in this wonderful thing I call a planner.
Number 1 on my list is probably the most basic one ever, workout as much as possible. Yes I know it's basic but the reason I put it at the top is because I am serious about it. I joined a gym last October and I am committed to changing myself into someone I am comfortable to be in. This goes along with number 2, eating better. I simply say this because I have become a hypochondriac. The internet is a terrible thing to look at when you think something is wrong with you, seriously don't do it. It has told me I should have 2 different types of cancer. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE INTERNET.
Number 3 is to save more money. Now that I have payments and bills to make I need to keep better control of my finances. I don't like the cheap stuff and that is causing a problem.
Number 4 and 5 go hand in had and that is to do good and be happy. To simply enjoy life.
Number 6 is to stay organized. I am actually a very organized person, hence the planner, but I need to stay in control of it and up to date with it. It holds my life.
Number 7 is to just be a better person, that is pretty self-explanatory right?
Number 8 is to take better care of myself, I mentioned this before and it is mainly telling myself to stay off the internet and just to take better care of my body, such as like stress reliever and face masks, stuff like that.
Number 9 is to enjoy the little things. I don't think I pay enough attention to this and I need to.
Number 10 is to do my best at everything. No need to explain that.
Number 11 is to make good choices, obvi a good one.
Number 12 is to prove everyone wrong. I want to prove that I am a good person and I can accomplish what people think I can't.
Number 13 is to LOVE MYSELF I cannot stress this enough. I took a minute and realized this is it, I do not get second changes in life and death. This is me and I need to love me.
Number 14 is do not be afraid to try new things. There are so many things out there.
Number 15 is to read more. I get too involved in netflix.
Number 16 is to be happy with my body, I've kind of already talked about this one.
Number 17 is don't fail at college, do my best.
Number 18. Figure out my life plan, what I am going to do with my future.
Number 19 is to move out of my parents house and live on my own.
Number 20 is to start blogging again. This is my sanctuary. I also kind of want to take up Youtube like vlogging and such I just don't know if I will be as successful as I want to be doing it.
Now you know all of my secrets. This is it. Make this your year and accomplish what you want. Love every second of it.
Thanks for reading! -xoxo Rach

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