I hate that I worry about how well I take a test and if I do not do well then I will not get into the college of my choice. Standardized tests are ridiculous!!! Everything should not be based on how well you take a fricking test! We are labeled by our test scores and that is not a way we should be treated. Most of my education is things that I will never use. But of course we are not in control of our own lives and our classes are chosen for us for stuff we will never use. We just have to pass them to graduate and will never use them again. We all take the same ACT, SAT, etc but why? We do not all learn the same or understand everything the same. We live in a messed up society. There is nothing we can do, and it is ridiculous.
There is a 'No Child Left Behind' law saying that every child has to take the standardized tests in school. There are some kids that cannot take a test due to disabilities and may be dying. This is ridiculous.
Tests like the ACT measure how well you can take a test. That is not right. No standardized test are! I really just needed to rant about this. Thanks to my friend Naomi, she influenced me to blog about this and she feels as strongly as I do about this.