I couldn't be more excited for 2015. It's my graduation year and it's its a great year to change a few things.
ATTITUDE: I admit I have a little bit of an attitude problem. I'm always pushing things to my worst and my temper is short. It's time for me to change that. I've recently taken a college class that helped me realize my relations with myself along with others. It made me notice my strengths, weaknesses, temper, attitude, time management, etc... It was extremely helpful to me.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT(of course): I feel like everyone's new year's resolution is to lose weight. I not alone want to lose weight but gain muscle. At the beginning of the school year I lifted weights during volleyball practice when I was injured and I absolutely loved it. I didn't go hardcore or anything, I lifted for a certain amount of time at each station everyday and I could see results and it made me feel so happy that doing that little could go such a long way. After I stopped lifting I felt the difference and started to gain some weight. Now that I am out of basketball season due to another injury, I am not doing any physical activity and that needs to change this year. I want to feel different about myself and be able to look in the mirror and say "Wow, I look good".
COLLEGE: College is a difficult choice for me. I have the fear of spreading my wings too fast. I want to start out small and go big. I do not like to fail. Choosing the right college means everything to me because I do not want to be the one to drop out. I've seen many people spend so much money on a good school and have them just drop out and end up with thousands of dollars in student loans. I don't want that stress for myself. That's another thing...
STRESS: I have had problems with stress in the past and I want that to change this year. I hate the feeling of being stressed so much. I have come up with a few ideas to manage my stress levels and that includes; not taking more than I can handle. I always want to satisfy everyone, leaving myself unsatisfied. I need to start worrying more about myself rather than what others think. School always leaves me stressed and I need to set up a time schedule for myself so I can manage my work more evenly.
PEOPLE ISSUES: I care too much about what others think of me, I've known this for years. But now I am taking charge of myself and not letting myself care. I know people are going to judge you no matter what. I need to stop caring. That's easier said than done. I am slowly working to make myself better at.
~Do what you want and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss.
Thanks for reading!
-xoxo Rach
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