Monday, May 18, 2015

Hey Hey Hey

Hello everyone!
Okay so many decisions are still being made about my life and I am in a confused state of mind but I just wanted to share that I recently subscribed to a website called IPSY. I suggest you guys try it! Basically you sign up to receive gifts of certain kinds and it is called a Glam Bag, for $10 a month. I am super excited to receive my first bag but I am currently waitlisted. SO if ANY of you are willing to try this out please contact me and I will get you all set up and ready to go! 

Also I am still struggling with my money situation, I know that I did not post that too long ago, but I am still trying to figure out what exactly is going to happen in my life and I really want this to work out within the next 2 weeks and see what is going to happen.

I really wish you guys would share my blog with your friends, I am trying to grow and your guys' help is extremely appreciated! I love watching my blog advance and it makes me so happy! If I create my YOUTUBE video I hope you guys will follow me over there! 

-much love 

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Hello friends!
So I received a text today from my friend who was asking me if I wanted to move in with her into an apartment and attend the local college next year. 
I can honestly say I have not been more relieved. I have had a huge weight on my shoulders about where I was going to go to college, as you guys know, and this honestly made me so happy! 
It is cheaper to get an apartment vs staying in dorms, as I have totaled the costs so I feel confident about this, but I need to make more money. For all of this to work I need to get another job. Especially since my parents want me to buy a vehicle this summer. So I feel that getting another job this summer and save the entire paycheck from that job so I could have more money in my account. That is smart right? 
I am open to taking suggestions about even doing other little things to earn money. PLEASE inform me of anything that you think will help me save money. I would really appreciate it. 

-xoxo Rach

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

New Idea

Hello everyone!!!
Okay so I really want to improve my blogging life, it is like a huge dream of mine! So I came up with the new idea of doing DIY blogs! I love doing organizational things and fun stuff like that and I thought it would be fun to share my ideas rather than complaining about my life! So please let me know if you think this is a good idea or nah..

In other news, life is going pretty good since graduation, I am getting extremely bored on days that I do not work and I wish I had more going on to keep me busy because laying in my bed all day watching netflix is not healthy for me. That is pretty much it since my last blog, anyway short blog!

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, May 10, 2015


So earlier I said that I would post some of what I got for graduation and here it is!

 I received this tote bag from my basketball coach and his wife. This is such an amazing gift and I am so excited to use it, there is so much room!
 In this picture I received a photo album I plan to put a ton of graduation pics in and a little coca-cola cup! & of course some cash!
 I got this insulated bag from my boyfriend's brother's fiancĂ©' and it is so cute!
 This was a gift from my best friend, she gave me tampons because every girl needs them, and of course chocolate, bandaids, 5 hour energy, starburst, and hand wipes.
 Towels are always a plus!
 A little notebook with a pen
 This tote came from the teachers at school, it contained a pillow, plates, bowls, cups, silverware, oreos, twin, downy, dish soap, body wash, hangers, towels, extension cord, etc.
 This is just a basket that was made for me and it contains all my graduation cards.
 My boyfriend gave me this mini fridge that I have always wanted and the mason jars on top were filled with memories from my friends and they are absolutely adorable!
This was a gift from my parents, it's what I have always wanted, A Macbook Pro and I am in love with it!!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

It's been real

Today was it! I graduated from high school, there is certainly many things I'm going to miss. I am going to miss sports mostly, I know everyone keeps telling me that there are intermurals at college but it is not the same to me. It is not competitive like high school and I won't have the thrill of making it to state anymore. There is just a lot I am going to miss. 
I think I have decided where to go for college or more of where I am leaning towards. I am feeling better about the choices I am making. Things are finally good.
I will most definitely post pics of some of the stuff I got for graduation I absolutely so excited for everything happening in my life right now. I am content, and I am happy. 
I have let go of grudges and enemies and now I feel so free and happy. 
I am really going to miss a lot of my friends. I now they always say that we will keep in touch but I have left a school before and said those exact words and it never happened. I feel like transferring schools once in high school prepared me for leaving all my new friends for college, but if I go where I am planning I will be around 2 or maybe 3 of my favorite people in the entire world and I am so excited but that means leaving one very important person behind, my boyfriend. I think he is okay with it and we will be just fine, Distance doesn't matter to me and I hope that makes things easier.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Goodbye Past, Hello Future

Senior year is drawing to a close. It has been an interesting last 4 years but they have been great. I am ecstatic to begin this next chapter in my life.

Deciding where to go to college has been a challenge for me but I realized that I will base my decision off of scholarships to determine where I go. No that is not as bad as it sounds I promise!

I want to go on adventures this summer and experience many new things. I want to go on trips and have fun. This summer is going to be the best one yet and I am determined to make that happen. 

I am so excited to begin this path. I love the new start feeling. So many things are happening right now and I am a little overwhelmed with everything but I don't even care. I have been waiting for something good to happen for a long time. I want everything to workout.

I have a big secret and I cannot tell anyone and holding it inside is absolutely killing me. This secret can make or break me and I do not know how to handle it anymore. I can't even take my own advice. There is nothing I can do either, and it kills me. I thought this feeling would pass and this secret would end, but it has been 3 years and nothing has changed. I don't know what to do anymore. 

This post had multiple issues going on and I am sorry but I just need help with all of this. 

-- Rach